We're here for you

We're here for you

Get in touch now and let's discuss how we can help.

From dementia training and workshops, to guides and resources; we work with families, health and social care staff, and community groups so that they are able to respond confidently and positively to people with dementia in a way that maintains and enhances their dignity.

Team Contacts

Diane Smilie (Co-founder & Director)

Email: diane@dignityindementia.org

Mobile: 07771 682378

Lesley Gill (Co-founder & Director)

Email: lesley@dignityindementia.org

Mobile: 07816 895021

Jenny Connor (Manager)

Email: jenny@dignityindementia.org

Our Address

Dignity in Dementia, The Limes Cottage, 23b Stankelt Road, Silverdale, LA5 0TF